Natural supplements for the best support of your health

Heart shape frame of fresh vegetables on white background

It is important to provide your body with everything it needs to stay healthy, which is why it is good to opt for natural supplements. Did you know that many supplements have all kinds of substances added to them that are harmful to your health?

It is of course a shame that a supplement, which you take just to boost your health, contains all sorts of substances that are not good for you. Fortunately, Together supplements are different: they consist of 100% natural ingredients and are also vegan. Give your body the best that mother nature has to offer!

Nutrient deficiency

It’s actually a shame that we have to take dietary supplements. In fact, you wish you could get all the nutrients you need just from your diet. But no matter how healthy you eat, it’s really hard to pull that off. On the one hand, the cause of this problem lies in agriculture, according to research: agricultural crops are cultivated to grow so fast that plants contain less and less nutrients. The soil is also becoming depleted, which means that our vegetables, fruits and grains can absorb fewer substances.

On the other hand, our lifestyle is also a reason that we lack vitamins and minerals. Not many people cook healthy and with fresh ingredients every day. And stress can be one of the causes of your body becoming deficient in minerals, such as magnesium. Sleeping problems, illness or pregnancy are also reasons to provide your body with some extra nutrients.

Choose 100% natural supplements

If you decide to take supplements, look to see which one has the best combination of vitamins and minerals and a good dosage. But it is also very important to pay attention to what additives are in such a supplement. Because did you know that all kinds of harmful substances are added to many supplements? These include anti-caking agents, glazing agents, colouring agents and even sweeteners.

You take a dietary supplement because you value your health. It is not the intention that your vitamins and minerals you ingest foreign and harmful substances. What about additives like talcum powder or magnesium stearate? Anticaking agent is silica which is extracted from sand. Is that really something you want in your body? Fortunately, there are alternatives. Together supplements are purely vegetable and developed with respect for people and nature.

The following supplements from Together can be purchased at Dutch Microdosing:

  • Vegan Multivitamin
  • Seaweed Calcium
  • Curcumin & Turmeric complex
  • Multibiotic Fermented Food
  • Algae Omega 3
  • Citrus Vitamin C
  • Woman’s Multivitamin
  • Marine Magnesium
  • Vegan Vitamin D3
  • B-Vitamin Complex
  • Organic Mushroom B12

The benefits of Together supplements

All of Together’s supplements are formulated from real ingredients. That means it does not use synthesized vitamins and minerals. No, take vitamin D3, for example. This supplement is made by harvesting and washing lichen and then extracting the vitamin D oil. Vitamin B12 is obtained from Shiitake mushrooms and calcium from seaweed.

All supplements are therefore made from pure and natural products, from plants of land and sea. These ingredients are powerful, but also gentle on the body. Precisely because they are natural, they are recognized by the body and more easily absorbed.

At Together, they know that it is not a question of how many vitamins and minerals you take in, but rather how much your body can absorb and how much ends up in the right place. Together’s supplements make it easy for your body. All substances are biologically active and are rapidly absorbed by the body.

It goes without saying that no chemical additives are added to the supplements. So you won’t find any fillers, preservatives or glazing agents. In fact, no additives such as solvents are used in the entire production process. This makes Together supplements as pure as possible.

If you’re looking for a natural supplement, we can really recommend Together. Not only do these supplements contain only natural ingredients, the company itself does everything it can to minimize its impact on the environment. Their vision is to look beyond commercial interests. They work in a CO2 neutral way and all ingredients of their products come from certified organic sources.

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