How microdosing can help with depression

Depression text composed with black and red stones over black volcanic sand

Can microdosing support depression? Stress, anxiety and depression are mental symptoms that are common in our modern society (and especially this year). The symptoms can be controlled with medication; sedatives and antidepressants are used for this purpose. But there are some drawbacks to that.

There is increasing interest in the possibilities of microdosing. Mushrooms and truffles contain the mind-altering substance psilocybin and its effects can have a positive effect on depression. Are you wondering if microdosing can do something for you, read on below.

The characteristics of depression

We all say sometimes, I feel a little depressed. But being really depressed is something else. If you have depression, the feelings are more intense, the symptoms more serious and you suffer from it for a long time. About 5% of the population is depressed to a greater or lesser degree. In a mild depression the symptoms can still be managed, but in a severe depression you usually cannot function normally. The best thing to do then is to seek help and you may need medication.

Symptoms of depression:

  • Lack of energy, fatigue
  • Little interest and pleasure in life
  • Gloom
  • Being sad
  • Lack of motivation
  • Insomnia
  • Concentration problems

In principle, anyone can suffer from depression. It is true that more women than men suffer from depression. Furthermore, age, level of education or ethnicity does not matter. On average, people suffer from symptoms for about three months, after which they recover. However, a fifth of people continue to suffer and recovery can take years.

Microdosing in depression: what does research say?

Microdosing is using a psychedelic drug in very small amounts. You take a tenth of it instead of your normal dose. Therefore you will be able to notice the positive effects and you will be able to deal with your complaints, without getting high.

The benefits of microdosing are gaining traction. As a result, more and more research is being done, especially into the possibilities for mental complaints, such as depression. One of the researchers focusing on the power of psychedelics in depression is Dr. Robin Carhart-Harris. He works at the British Imperial College as head of the research group Centre for Psychedelic Research.

For 15 years he has been researching the influence of drugs like LSD and psilocybin on the brain. He is also very interested in how these drugs might be used in disorders like depression. In his research he tries to find out if psilocybin can be used in treatment, next to psychotherapy for depressions that are difficult to treat. He indicated that the results were positive. Psilocybin makes a big difference, where conventional antidepressants have given no results.

A full-scale investigation is currently underway. For six weeks, participants are given psilocybin along with an antidepressant (an SSRI, similar to Prozac). Carhart-Harris says the initial results are impressive. Unfortunately, no data from this study are currently available in the public domain.

The difference between psychedelics and regular medication

The use of SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) has several disadvantages. First, they are addictive and it is difficult to stop. But people also say they feel numb, because both negative and positive emotions are suppressed. If you use psilocybin, this is not the case.

Dr. Carhart-Harris reports that the participants in his studies experienced something quite different. They felt an emotional release, which allowed them to reconnect with themselves. Another advantage of psilocybin is that it works fast. Normal antidepressants take several months to do their work and even then it is often difficult to find the right dose. These drugs also have many (serious) side effects, especially in the long term. This is not the case with psilocybin either. It is non-addictive and has minimal side effects.

Why microdosing for depression?

Although in this research normal doses of psilocybin are used, microdosing might also give good results. Because you take a small dose each time, your brain still gets the stimuli from the psychoactive substance. Only to a lesser extent. Psychedelics appear to stimulate brain plasticity, according to a review of multiple studies. They can therefore deal with change more flexibly and adapt better.

With normal use of a psychedelic drug, when you are high, you experience a completely different reality. When you take a microdose, you don’t get high, but on a subtle level, your brain is encouraged to think more creatively, to be open to possibilities. This can help alleviate some of the symptoms of depression.

It seems that opinions about psychedelics are changing. This is evident from the fact that in recent years the FDA in America has allowed several studies on psilocybin as a treatment for depression. Would you like to try microdosing for depression? Try our convenient ready-made packs of Microdosing XL Truffles. Each dose of 1 gram is individually wrapped, so you always have the right amount and the truffles have a long shelf life.

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