What is a trip sitter and why is it important when tripping?


Those planning to trip are likely to experience something special. Using mind-altering substances can be great, but the fact remains that you can’t always predict how it will go. You want to be safe, of course. For this reason, it is best to make sure that a trip sitter is present. This is someone who stays with you and keeps an eye on you when you are in higher realms. In this blog, we explain exactly what a tripsitter is.

Guidance on a trip

Arranging a trip sitter, is that really necessary, you may ask? How much can happen at all while tripping? Of course, this is always something that cannot be predicted. But if something goes wrong, it’s nice to have someone with you. The point is, mind-altering drugs can have unexpected effects. Even if you have a lot of experience, that can still be the case.

It’s not even related to a bad trip. Even when you have a great happy trip, you can be so violently out of this world that you no longer know what is safe and what is not. For this reason, a trip sitter is really not an unnecessary luxury. Generally, the tripsitter is a close friend or girlfriend (we call the tripsitter he or she for convenience, but this could just as easily be a she). This person trusts you through and through and you feel completely at ease. The tripsitter will keep an eye on you and make sure you are safe in all circumstances. Wherever you are in mind then. The trip sitter has various tasks before, during and after the trip.

What does the tripsitter do before you trip?

It is helpful if the tripsitter is present before the trip begins. You can then start a conversation with each other: about what you are going to use, how you feel and if there is anything in the space that needs to be done. So first, you specify what you are going to take. After all, what drug you take(magic mushrooms, truffles, mescaline cactus or whatever) determines how you react, and it’s nice if the tripsitter knows what to expect.

In addition, your mood has a lot of influence on how your trip will go. Are there things you fret about, are you uncomfortable with yourself? Then you can tell this to your mate. If you end up in a bad trip, the tripsitter can reassure you better if he knows what is going on in your life. Finally, the tripsitter should take a quick look around the room. Put away items that could potentially pose a hazard (think knives, scissors or medication).

Have water and some food ready and the space comfortable. A blanket, some pillows and some quiet music provide a nice environment for tripping. Furthermore, it is also a good idea to have a trip stopper ready nearby. Point this out to your mate and explain what this remedy is for. Now you are ready for the trip.

Safety during the trip

Whether a trip sitter has anything to do during the trip depends on how things go. If you have your head in the clouds and everything is going smoothly, your buddy doesn’t have to do anything. Of course, it is important that he keep an eye on you and check occasionally to make sure everything is going well. Besides, he can just do his own thing. But do ask if he can do something that doesn’t make too much noise. Loud music or the sound of a violent movie or game can negatively affect how your trip goes.

However, if you have a nasty or bad trip, you may need the help of your trip sitter. Sometimes you may get caught up in gloomy thoughts or suffer from anxiety and other negative emotions. In that case, it’s convenient that you had that conversation beforehand, about what’s going on in your life. He can probably reassure you better as a result. It can also happen that you feel like the trip never ends. The tripsitter can help remind you that it really will end.

If the trip is really not going well, you can also choose to take the trip stopper. This drug will cause the effects of the mind-altering drug to disappear more quickly. Unfortunately, it can also happen that someone who is tripping becomes violent. In that case, the tripsitter will have to put his own safety first, withdraw and arrange (professional) help.

Counseling after the trip

Once the trip is over, you would think that the tripsitter’s help would no longer be needed. Still, it’s nice if he can stay a little longer. You as a user probably had a very special experience. It may take some time to come back down to earth with both feet. The tripsitter should take a moment to check if you are really doing well.

In addition, you can benefit greatly from a good conversation after the trip. If you can tell your mate what you’ve been through, it can help you process the experience and get potential lessons clear. After all, a trip can have a profound impact on you, change your outlook on your life or teach you a wise lesson. Talking afterward makes the experiences stick better.

So being a tripsitter seems very simple at first glance. A little similar to a babysitter perhaps. But it is not that simple. It can mean a lot to have a close friend or associate next to you while tripping. So always ask someone to be a trip sitter. And if that other person wants to trip sometime, you can be a trip sitter for them.

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