Returning to earth after a trip: here’s how to do it


A trip can be a life-changing experience, with amazing highlights and refreshing insights, but how can you return to earth after your trip? How do you get your feet back on the ground and make sense of those new insights? In this blog, we give you tips on how to land safely and get back into your own skin.

Returning to earth after a trip: The Comedown

During a trip, you really feel like you are in “higher realms.” Sometimes you even see images of the cosmos and a higher dimension. But whether you’re an experienced psychonaut or just taking your first steps on your mind-expanding path, it’s important to return to earth safely after a trip. We mean by this, that the effects of the magic mushrooms begin to weaken and you return to reality.

This is especially important if your trip was confusing or upsetting. Then it is nice to feel safe and secure. (By the way, if you have a bad trip, remember that you can also use a trip stopper .) Just like after a trip in the real world, you may be tired, in need of rest or just some pleasant stimuli or something that nourishes the body. Then you can begin to process your experiences. How do you handle that return to earth, the so-called “comedown”? You’ll read about that below.

Nourishing the body

After a strenuous and drastic activity like tripping, it is good to eat something nutritious. You may not have an immediate appetite yet, in which case you can wait. And it also depends on how you feel, what exactly you’re craving. It is a good idea to choose something that contains tryptophan. After a trip, your serotonin levels may be lowered. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid required for serotonin production. So food containing this substance may well help you feel better again after a trip.

Sources of tryptophan include eggs, dairy products such as cheese and milk, nuts, salmon and pineapple. Fresh fruits and fruit juices are also good to help you recharge. But of course you can just go for the food that attracts you now. After a trip, nothing tastes better than your own comfort food.

Going outside

When your high slows down, it may be a good idea to go outside for a while. Do not do this if you are still really suffering from hallucinations and intense emotions. But if you have already returned to earth a bit, a walk can do you good. Often you feel a tremendous connection to everything around you, especially nature. Therefore, enjoy that powerful connection with all life around you, feel the wind on your face and smell the earthy scents of leaves and plants. You can really refresh from a walk, while the effects of the high slowly wear off.

Writing down your experiences

It is advisable to write down your experiences so that you can reread them carefully later. It also helps to process everything and return to earth after a trip. Take out a journal or notebook and write down what you saw, felt and heard and what insights you gained here. It is a good idea to do this before all the images and insights sink in. Of course, if writing is not your thing, you can also use an audio recorder or incorporate your experiences into a piece of art. Later, you can review your notes to see if you can get more lessons or insights from this or meditate on a theme that came up.

Integrating the trip

Tripping is the ideal way to shake things up in your life. You experience something special and can learn a lot about yourself. But how do you integrate the lessons you learn into your daily life? Integrating means that you give your experience a place in your daily life and that you actually benefit from your insights and change things in your routine or attitude to life. So it means finding ways to change your life based on your new insights.

Check your journal or try to remember what you felt and experienced during your trip. Did you feel a strong connection to nature? Perhaps you could try to get out a little more often, to the woods or a nature area nearby. Put more plants in the house or sow a few pots for the windowsill. Maybe you got a message to do something with creativity, exercise, nutrition or spirituality.

Try to turn this message into something tangible. You don’t have to change your whole life right away: take small steps to do more with this. Like cooking for yourself a few times a week, doing a short meditation every day when you get up, or exercising once a week.

It can be good to put your new goals on paper, which often motivates you to actually do something with them. What do you want to work on and how will you go about it? Feel carefully what appeals to you and what is important to you. Remember that change takes time. Even if you felt very inspired by your trip, give yourself time to integrate this change. Forcing yourself doesn’t work. Start from your own motivation and what you want to achieve.

These tips will help you return safely to Earth after a trip. And if you actually do something with your insights afterwards, what you have experienced becomes something very valuable that will be of great use in everyday life.

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